Join us as we celebrate the arrival of Los Tres Reyes. Also known as the Ephiphany, we tell the story of the journey taken by Three Kings, or Wise Men, to find Jesus after his birth.
The Kings arrive on January 6th to greet the baby Jesus. Though the celebration has Christian & Catholic roots, all are welcome to participate.
Rondalla del Sol will perform for the evening, and then we invite you to follow the Kings to the rosca.
The traditional rosca, or sweet bread, is given to all in attendance. Inside of the bread are randomly placed plastic babies (representing the baby Jesus). Tradition dictates that the person(s) who finds the baby has to plan the party for next year. But at Olvera Street, the lucky ones who find these babies will win a prize that evening—a gift from the Kings!
Olvera Street will have music, a lively theatrical procession on Olvera Street and the serving of traditional Rosca de Reyes.
Tres Reyes Program
Friday, January 6, 2017
Entertainment Begins – 6:30pm (at the Avila House)
Brief Program – 7:00pm
Rosca de Reyes – following program
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